I want to be a better man than the one I’ve become.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a stranger. I am stooped. My waist has overwhelmed my hips. My beard has gone gray. My cheeks are fuller and rounder than I remember. My eyes are dull. The hardest part about seeing what I see is that I have no idea of this man’s future.

Self Portrait Dark BG

If I look back at a better reflection, one that I have created in my mind’s eye, this man is different. He’s nobler, wiser, well-loved and respected. If I see him in company, it is in the company of friends. They share details about their common lives, loves and their hopes and fears. He listens to each in turn, wise and circumspect in his advice. I want to become this man.

I believe that my path to that goal, to being that person, might be be found in helping others to become who they were meant to be, especially in their work as Creatives.

Last year, before I disappeared into myself, the concept for a course on Creative Counselling came to me. It will be loosely based around five key texts in my life. These are books that I have returned to over the years, fingers flicking through the pages to reread key passages. They comfort me by their presence, their strong spines standing proud in the centre of the bookshelf above my desk. Sometimes I keep them close to me, taking them in my bag as I travel, just one, not all, and I feel their familiar presence next to my bed in a stranger’s house or a cold hotel room. Often, I don’t open them. They’ll just sit on my desk for days, in a corner, reminding me of a duty, or a desire, or a promise I made myself the last time I opened their pages. I’m a reader. All books are my friends, but these books have become more than friends. You know what I mean?

Some friends become more than friends. The things they’ve said play over in your mind when long after they’ve left. These thoughts and memories, the ones you return to again and again, usually revolve around you in one way or another. Circular, spiraling inwards, coming closer and deeper into who you are when you’re alone. I’ll give you an example. A couple of weeks back an old friend an was talking  about the pressures of work. She’s a Production Manager, a stressful job at the best of times, but often made worse by the demands of the stars. But not always. She told us how sometimes those who have access to everything will eschew the trappings of fame and choose something simpler, more personal. On one production, she needed to organise accommodation for Elijah Wood. Coming out of The Lord of The Rings, she imagined he’d demand the star treatment. But she was surprised. He didn’t want the 5-star hotel the budget offered. He asked for an apartment, away from the rush, close to the area his character lived. All he wanted was a stocked refrigerator. Nothing special. And every day he saw her he thanked her for the work she did to keep him comfortable. It was an interesting anecdote, one that cut across the grain of what we think we know about film stars. We talked about being humble. It made me think. How would I be in the same situation? Would I choose the humbler, simpler option, or would I take what I could get? Am I happy with ‘enough’?

Those words have been circling, coming in closer and closer, talking to me about who I am, how I see myself, how I interact with others. A number of people I know could have shared a story like that, maybe not on the same subject, but they have anecdotes aplenty about all kinds of people in all kinds of situations. Their stories would have been good to hear, interesting at the time, but with the conversation over, the story would sink into the depths of memory. Gone. But hearing this story from this particular friend – it’s stayed in my mind. I trust her. She speaks the truth. I treat what she says with respect. That’s what I mean. She has become more than a friend, without even knowing it. She has become one of my secret mentors.

It is the same with these five books. They have become more than my friends. Secretly, they teach me things. The spirit within me communes with the spirit within them. Deep to deep. Their words of encouragement, admonishment and advice have stayed with me, long after I closed the pages. I will admit that some of the thoughts, ideas and anecdotes have transformed from their author’s original intention. They might have meant a paragraph as a cautionary tale, I have absorbed it as a challenge. They could have been writing a section on how to function as an artist, I have read that part as words of wisdom on relating as a father. There’s magic deep within.

There’s a verse in the Bible that talks about the Holy Scriptures, especially in this case the words of wisdom: “Every writing which is written by The Spirit is profitable for teaching, for correction, for direction and for a course in righteousness...” That’s an Aramaic translation of 2 Timothy 3:16, and closest to what I believe the original author had in mind. It speaks to every writing written by the Spirit. I’ll cast that net wide. There is so much out there that is good. And I want to use these resources to help other people.

The idea of using concepts from these texts in order to help others with their creative interactions with the world isn’t selfless. I’ve found that if I help people, it helps me. Helping you to solve your problems or issues in your creative endeavors helps me to better understand my problems. And it makes me feel good.

Here are the books.

Inspring Books

The first is “Art and Fear” by David Bayles and Ted Orland. Here’s a quote from the Amazon site:

Art & Fear explores the way art gets made, the reasons it often doesn’t get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way. The book’s co-authors, David Bayles and Ted Orland, are themselves both working artists, grappling daily with the problems of making art in the real world. Their insights and observations, drawn from personal experience, provide an incisive view into the world of art as it is experienced by art-makers themselves.”

Sitting right next to that on the shelf is “Iron John” by Robert Bly. This is from the jacket:

“In this groundbreaking classic, Robert Bly writes that men now know the images of adult manhood offered by popular culture are worn out – and that they can no longer rely on them. He searches for a new vision of what a man is or could be, drawing on psychology, anthropology, mythology, folklore and legend.”

In my bag at the moment is the third: “The Van Gogh Blues – The Creative Person’s Path through Depression”, by Eric Maisel Ph.D. Here’s a quote from the book itself.

“”…virtually 100 percent of creative people will suffer from episodes of depression. Why virtually 100 percent? Because every creative person came out of the womb ready to interrogate life and determine for herself what life would mean, could mean, and should mean. Her gift or curse was that she was born ready to stubbornly doubt received wisdom and disbelieve that anyone but she was entitled to provide answers to her own meaning questions.”

The fourth, which is in the bookshelf next to my bed. “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl.

“Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of those he treated in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl’s theory—known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos (“meaning”)—holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.”

Finally, the last, which is sitting on the end of my desk. “The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life” by Os Guiness. A quote from the book:

““To play was to be,” said Yehudi Menuhin. “All the rest was rehearsal,” said Artie Shaw. “Nunc dimittis,” said John Coltrane. Somehow we human beings are never happier than when we are expressing the deepest gifts that are truly us. And often we get a revealing glimpse of these gifts early in life. Graham Greene wrote in The Power and the Glory, “There is always one moment in childhood when the door open and lets the future in. “Countless examples could be added to these stories, but they all point to another crucial aspect of calling—God normally calls us along the line of our giftedness, but the purpose of giftedness is stewardship and service, not selfishness.”

There are many other sources of inspiration that can help us all live a meaningful creative life, one that impacts many people as the ripples spread. These books have helped me, and I hope they’ll help you too. Read them again if you have them, track them down if you don’t  They are worth it.  In the meantime I’ll work on the course. And keep you all posted.

The Way Forward

Driving to the coast takes you through a pass and up and over the edge of the escarpment. I have stood at the same outlook point in those mountains many times. Mostly the weather is clear, and I can see for a great distance. I always look around me, to get a sense of the glorious space I’m in, and then I look at the way ahead. I can’t see the actual road winding through the foothills, but I can get an overview of what’s coming – of the weather I’ll meet on the way, of the direction I’ll soon be driving in.

Sometimes however, the clouds have come in, or there’s a storm that’s blown in from the west, pulling sheets of rain and blustery pockets of wind. When I’m driving on my own I’ll stop, look around and prepare myself mentally for the slow and dangerous road down off the heights. I’ve been through the pass once in the snow, and I went straight through. The long line of cars crawling in front of me, and the snake flicking it’s tail behind, kept me fixed, concerned and focussed. No time to take stock in the middle of that storm.

We constantly want to know what lies ahead. Sometimes, and that’s often the best of times, we are asking because we are already on our way, and we seek knowledge of what to expect on the journey itself. At other times, and this is probably the more common cause of the question, we have yet to make a decision about the journey itself, should we go or should we stay.

We seek to know which of the choices ahead of us is correct, or best, or has the most chance of success. No decision has been made at all. The song lyrics, “Should I stay or should I go…” sum up this position. “Darling, you got to let me know, Should I stay or should I go..” It’s the place of indecision.

It’s like we’re standing on the lookout point, and the cloud cover is just thick enough so that you can sense something is out there. Is it getting darker, heading towards a storm,? Or is it lifting, getting lighter, with a clear run ahead? You can’t tell. Time is ticking.

If we believe in God, we often feel that we are providentially placed to ask the questions of, “What now?”, “Where to next” and “Why?”, to the one who is most capable of answering. God. The God who holds our destiny in his hands. But when we do ask, we either don’t hear an answer, or are hobbled in our decisions by emotion. How many times have you heard someone say, when it comes to a major decision in their lives: “I have prayed, but I don’t feel at peace with this.”?

Ultimately, when God does speak, we tend to second-guess what we thought we heard. It’s a vicious circle. Because we believe we know God, the creator and controller of the universe, because we believe he knows us and loves us and wants only good for us, we think he will give us insider knowledge on things that will affect our future. Surely? But when he does, if he does, we don’t really listen. We move forward in uncertainty. When things don’t work out, we feel betrayed and alone. We lose our trust in ourselves and in God.

What can we do?

Standing on the lookout point, rain or shine, there are three things I know. The coast is where it was last time I took this trip. I will encounter some situations that are the same as the last time I drove this way, some that are similar yet different, and some will be totally new. And if I don’t go, I will never get there.

Because I am aiming at a specific outcome, I can reasonably guess at the process of the journey itself by past experience, and action needs to be taken for the outcome to be reached. There are many things I don’t know and others I can’t be sure of, but if I keep my eyes on the road and drive safely, I should get there.

But is this enough to give me peace of mind on the journey? Moving back from the analogy, is planning an outcome and working towards it with caution enough to give us the confidence we need to face life every day? Or do we need something more, like a guarantee that the outcome will be good?

There’s more coming…

Lost Quotations

Hey guys, is this normal? Day turning into night sort of end-of-the-world type weather? Is this… Guys?”

(Charles – Lost)

This wasn’t what I meant when I slapped that header “Lost Quotations” over this post, like a band-aid on a paper-cut that hasn’t happened yet. What I wanted to refer to is the jumble of words in my head that used to be something pithy, that someone else said, and that I remember somewhere.

Something, someone, somewhere. That’s the problem. I don’t even have the first clue as to where to look for the original quotation to bring it all back and share it with you.

What was it I read? “Amount of Fear I have? Zero” but the kicker was, “Amount of Fucks I Give? Zero.” Sounds generic. Not much help there.

Who said it? A writer somewhere. Probably someone like Chuck Wendig or Chuck Palahniuk. I read a lot of writers writing about writing, so that doesn’t help much.

Where did I read it? This is the age of the networked thought. In the 19th century, tracking something like this down would have elicited references to diving down the rabbit hole, a physical space. In the 21st century, it’s more like a thought storm. Mind maps. A virtual space. Google ‘Fucks I give’, and it will quantify 285 million results in under a fifth of a second. No rabbit goes that fast. And with 285 million rabbits to follow, I’m lost.

What choice do I have now, except to try and retrace the bubble trail my surfing left that day? Which I’ll do, because I truly was inspired by the quote itself, and the suggestion that I stick it up somewhere that my eye will fall when I write.

Seeing as I’ve mentioned rabbit holes and virtual spaces and people who don’t give a fuck when they write, what better way to leave you than with these two quotes from the Wachowski’s Matrix:

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

(Morpheus – Matrix)

 “You’ve been down there, Neo. You already know that road. You know exactly where it ends. And I know that’s not where you want to be.”

(Trinity – Matrix)

 Related Posts: http://howtonotgiveafuck.com/why-should-you-not-give-a-fuck/